hello, internet. this is my space. no not the age of social media that I’ve always wished I was part of. but my [space] space. space has actually always confused me. and wowed me. because how can something exist that you cannot see and can hardly define. HOLY COW.

anyways, I am Emily. to put it lightly. I wouldn’t call myself a writer, but I am the writer of the duo. the dynamic duo YOU KNOW IT. but I am the writer because I could ramble on and on and on for days. I am the writer because I sit at night every day before bed and journal. I know right – what a nerd. but I have things to say and I want to say them!

but let me key you in on some important things:

I love meeting new people. but most days I prefer to sit alone and read a book peacefully instead of going out with friends.

everyone should listen to country music if they are having a bad day. there is no way that is an incorrect opinion. it is just fact.

I love to make things. music, clothes, playlists, card, collages, you name it I’m on it.

you need me to keep a secret? done. need a hug? done. need to rant? sure, no questions asked.

and here’s the thing. I was born in the wrong decade. most of my jams are older than me. easily. and I would have killed 90s grunge. or environmental activism of the hippie era. or touring around the country following a band in a VW camper. (fun fact I have a lego VW camper). my first love was easily Leonardo DiCaprio. and my first favorite movie was Empire Records. PLEASE WATCH IT!!!

and when soph, my go-to gal in living life, said: “hey let’s make a blog!” I immediately thought no effing way. but guess what, I’m here now. and I am here to spread me. and hopefully, reach you. and maybe like James Bay- because if I talk about and mention him enough he has to see this right? right. but I’ll be here for you. and when I need it you’ll be here for me. and I hope you leave with something valuable.

❤ xoxo em